Your Guide to Staging Your Home to Sell


Are you ready to stage your home to sell? Doing this well can make a difference in whether your home sells quickly. Something to remember is that buyers want to be able to picture themselves living there.

Here are 20+ Tips on How to Stage Your House

neutral colors work best when homestaging

1. Declutter every room. Remove personal items like family photos, kids' artwork, and quirky collections. Buyers need to imagine themselves living in the space. A clean slate helps them do that. Store excess furniture to make rooms look bigger. Less is more when it comes to staging.

2. Neutral colors work best. Paint walls in soft, neutral shades like beige, gray, or white. These colors appeal to most people and make spaces feel larger and brighter. Bold colors can be off-putting and might not match a buyer's taste.

3. Lighting is key. Use a mix of natural and artificial light to brighten up your home. Open curtains and blinds to let in sunlight. Add lamps to dark corners. Replace old light bulbs with brighter, energy-efficient ones. Good lighting makes rooms feel warm and inviting.

4. Furniture placement matters. Arrange furniture to create a natural flow and highlight the room's purpose. In the living room, place the sofa and chairs to encourage conversation. In the bedroom, make the bed the focal point. Avoid pushing all furniture against the walls. This can make the room feel cold and uninviting. Another option is to rent furniture for staging.

5. Add some greenery. Plants bring life and color to a space. Use potted plants, fresh flowers, or even faux greenery. Place them in key areas like the living room, kitchen, and bathrooms. They can make a home feel more welcoming and vibrant.

6. Keep it clean. A spotless home is a must. Deep clean every room, including carpets, windows, and appliances. Pay special attention to kitchens and bathrooms. These areas can make or break a sale. A clean home shows buyers that the property is well-maintained.

7. Fix minor repairs. Leaky faucets, squeaky doors, and chipped paint can turn buyers off. Take care of these small issues before showing your home. They may seem minor, but they can give the impression that the home hasn't been well cared for.

8. Stage the kitchen. The kitchen is often the heart of the home. Make it shine. Clear off countertops and only leave a few stylish items like a bowl of fresh fruit or a vase of flowers. Organize cabinets and drawers. Buyers will likely peek inside. A tidy kitchen can make a big impact.

9. Create a spa-like bathroom. Bathrooms should feel clean and luxurious. Replace old towels with new, fluffy ones. Add a few candles, a nice soap dispenser, and some fresh flowers. Make sure the bathroom is spotless and smells fresh.

10. Use mirrors to your advantage. Mirrors can make a space feel larger and brighter. Place them strategically in smaller rooms or hallways. They reflect light and can create the illusion of more space.

11. Don't forget curb appeal. The outside of your home is the first thing buyers see. Make a good impression. Mow the lawn, trim bushes, and plant some flowers. Clean the front door and add a new doormat. A well-kept exterior invites buyers to see what's inside.

12. Highlight storage space. Buyers love storage. Organize closets, pantries, and other storage areas. Show off their potential by keeping them neat and tidy. Consider adding some stylish storage solutions like baskets or bins.

13. Depersonalize the space. Buyers need to picture themselves living in your home. Remove personal items like family photos, kids' artwork, and quirky collections. This helps them imagine their own belongings in the space.

14. Use art wisely. Art can add character and warmth to a home. Choose pieces that are neutral and not too personal. Avoid controversial or bold artwork. Stick to landscapes, abstract pieces, or simple prints. Art should enhance the space, not distract from it.

15. Create inviting outdoor spaces. If you have a patio, deck, or backyard, stage these areas too. Add some outdoor furniture, a few potted plants, and maybe a grill. Show buyers how they can enjoy these spaces. Outdoor living areas are a big selling point.

Home staging includes creating a inviting outdoor living space

16. Appeal to the senses. Make your home smell good. Use subtle scents like vanilla or lavender. Avoid strong or overwhelming fragrances. Soft background music can also create a pleasant atmosphere. These small touches can make a big difference.

17. Consider professional staging. If you're unsure about staging your home yourself, hire a professional. They know what works and can make your home look its best. It might be an investment, but it can pay off with a quicker sale and a higher price.

18. Take great photos. Most buyers start their search online. High-quality photos are essential. Make sure your home is well-lit and clutter-free before taking pictures. Consider hiring a professional photographer. Good photos can attract more buyers and get them through the door.

19. Stage for the season. Tailor your staging to the time of year. In the spring, add fresh flowers and light, airy decor. In the fall, use warm colors and cozy touches like blankets and candles. Seasonal staging can make your home feel current and inviting.

20. Be flexible with showings. Make it easy for buyers to see your home. Be ready to accommodate last-minute requests. The more people who see your home, the better your chances of selling quickly. Keep your home show-ready at all times.

21. Listen to feedback. After showings, ask your real estate agent for feedback from potential buyers. Use this information to make any necessary changes. Sometimes small tweaks can make a big difference. Stay open to suggestions and be willing to adjust your staging as needed.

If you are wondering if home staging is worth it? Remember, the goal of home staging is to make your home appealing to the widest range of buyers. Keep it simple, clean, and neutral. Highlight the best features of your home and create a welcoming atmosphere. With the right staging, you can make your home stand out and sell faster.